Changing the face of Belarusian Jewry
WILL YOU BE IN RADIN THIS YEAR???The yahrtzheit of the Chafetz Chaim ZT"L

For your donation of $36 to Yad Yisroel - we will be your personal shliach to daven?
for you at the kever of the Chofetz Chaim on the day of his yahrtzheit.

To have your tefilos read by the Kever of the Chofetz Chaim on his Yahrtzheit - fill out the online form by clicking here

Please make sure to fill out the name to daven in the field provided on the second page.

or contact our office.

Yad Yisroel's Work in Pinsk

Yad Yisroel runs programs which help every sector of the Jewish community.

Our goal is to help every Jew who is in need to the extent of our abilities. We help all ages from all over Belarus.

Over the years we have sent hundreds of children to study in Jewish insitutions in the western world, served hundreds of thousands of hot meals to elderly, sick and impoverished families, educated hundreds of children in our schools and run outreach programs in tens of cities and villages around the country.