Changing the face of Belarusian Jewry
A vacation full of funa chance to rejuvenate, a chance to recover

Yad Yisroel Camps

The need

For the Jewish children of Belarus the summer and winter vacations should be an opportunity to rest and recuperate and regain their strength to continue their academic studies.

Unfortunately the facts of Belarus life mean that the vast majority of Belorussian children do not have that luxury. Many live in old and decrepid housing and do not have the opportunity to "relax" and many have to work in their spare time to help provide food for their families.

Many of these children have been affected the "Chernobyl" fallout and have weakened constitutions or more serious health problems which can lead to them lying in bed for long periods of time to recover their health.

The goal

Yad Yisroel aims to give these children the opportunity to spend their school vacations in a healthy and nurturing environment where they can recover their strength and health.

Yad Yisroel's Summer & Winter Camps serve over 450 children from all over Belarus. These include children from all the major cities and many smaller villages around the country.

The camps run from the end of June until the end of August providing these children with a haven - a place where they can have fun, play sports, enjoy programs and regain their strength.