Changing the face of Belarusian Jewry

Online Russian Torah Resources

Kol Halashon

A variety of shirum in Russian, as well as in other languages, available for free to download or listen to online.

Shiurim, information and articles in russian on various topics in Judiasm. Books and cds in Russian are also for sale on the web site. ru.chabad

The Jewish calendar, laws of kashrus, and a library of russian seforim are among the resources available on this site.

Articles in Russian on a large variety of topics- parshas hashavua, kabbala, Chassidic stories, Jewish life, and more.

Russian articles including a large index of Jewish terms in Russian.

Information on Jewish history, kosher recipes, as well as a Jewish calendar

madrichim toldot

Creative and innovative programs for all ages, lesson plans, and articles in various topics, available in English and Russian

Interesting articles in Russian, an online store with a variety of Jewish items and books, and a large online library of tanach and other seforim in Russian.

chasiddus jewish books

The philosophy and history of Chassidus, parshas hashavua, a large list of links, jewish history, and an online library are among the resources on this site

Jewish Russian Books

Jewish books on philosophy, children's books, and books on midrashim and other jewish topics are available to read online

jewish books

A large collection of articles, shiurim and audio and video downloads from Rabbi Eliyahu Essas. This site hosts an extensive resource about Judaism.

Kehilas Moreshes Yaakov

A collection of articles and shiurim on general topics of yiddishkeit and haskofo. Special focus on coping with modern society and its challenges.