Changing the face of Belarusian Jewry

Yad Yisroel's work in the Former Soviet Union

The early years

In the 1980's the Karlin-Stolin Rebbe travelled to many cities in the Soviet Union and witnessed first hand the terrible toll which Communism had taken on the Jews of Eastern Europe.

In 1990 the Rebbe founded Yad Yisroel - an international organization based in Brooklyn NY - with a charter to promote, foster, increase and advance the health, welfare, education and economic status of the Jews of the former Soviet Union.

Kiev, Lvov, Minsk, pinsk, Chelminitski

Over the course of the following decade Yad Yisroel opened communities and schools throughout the Ukraine and Belarus including central cities such as Kiev, Minsk and Lvov.

These communities are still flourishing today under the leadership of the Karlin Stolin Rebbe who takes an personal interest in every detail of these organizations.


Yad Yisroel Today

In the year 2000 Yad Yisroel opened the Beis Aharon Schools & Orphanages in Pinsk, Belarus.

Today Yad Yisroel in Pinsk is flourishing and has become the foremost Jewish organization in Belarus - helping hundreds of people each year in many different ways.