Changing the face of Belarusian Jewry

Yad Yisroel News Blog

31-march-2014 - Big Sium in Pinsk

On Monday night, Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5774, Yad Yisroel in Pinsk joined thousands of Yidden around the world in making a Siyum on Maseches Sukkah. This time more yungerleit participated in the Siyum as they are keeping up with the new cycle of Daf Hayomi. It is a chizuk for the entire community.

30-march-2014 - Chasana of Moshe Shlomo and Miriam Derunov

Moshe Shlomo was one of the Beis Aharon schools first students, who came from the historically Jewish city of Bobruisk. After finishing in Pinsk Moshe went to learn in Yeshiva in Lakewood, NJ, USA, after which he moved to Moscow and studied in the Jewish university there. Today we are celebrating the wedding of Miriam and Moshe in Bobruisk. A large group of from Pinsk went to Bobruisk to participate in this great Simcha! Moshe and Miriam will live in Moscow. We wish them a heartfelt Mazal Tov, and much hatzlacha in building their Bayis Ne'eman B'Yisroel!

28-march-2014 - Visit of JLIT from London!

We had wonderful guests over past weekend. A group of students from JLIT London came to Pinsk to spend a shabbos with us. They came all the way from London to spend time with our children and bring joy to our community. On behalf of all the children, students, families and elderly members of the Yad Yisroel family we want to thank Jlit for taking the time and expense to come all the way to Belarus to visit us. It was truly heartwarming to feel the love and connection to our extended family. Thank you!

27-march-2014 - Mazal Tov to Menachem Mendel and Aliza Prudnikov

Mazal Tov to Aliza and Menachem Mendel Prudnikov upon their wedding! Aliza and Menachem Mendel are alumni of Pinsk Beis Aharon school. They have both been studying in the USA, and will IYH establish their home there. May Hashem help you establish a true Bayis Ne'eman b'Yisroel with mazal and bracha for many happy years!

25-march-2014 - Mazal tov to Shimon and Dikla Smirnov on their Chasana

Mazal Tov to Shimon and Dikla Smirnov. On 25th of march we celebrated beautiful chasana in Pinsk. Many friends came to join the simcha. Shimons friends came from all over the World, from Moscow, Israel, Germany and London. This chasana joined many old friends together. Shimon and Dikla will stay and leave in Pinsk. We want to wish Shimon and Dikla only happiness and to be zoiche to build Bait neemon behisroel!

20-march-2014 - Mazal Tov to Mordechai Plevaka on his Bar Mitzva!

Mordechai, from Bobroisk, joined our school only a year ago after a few years in the Odessa Jewish school. On Thursday morning, 18 Adar, Mordechai was called to the Torah and read the kriah himself. After shacharis the boys prepared an inspiring program in honor of the occasion. and little show. A heartfelt Mazal tov to Mordechai! May he continue to grow in his Yiddishkeit, and be a pride for Klal isroel!

10-February-2014 - Mazel Tov to Pinchas and Yafit Martsynkevich on bris of their baby boy!

Mazel Tov to Pinchas and Yefit Martzinkevich for the birth of their son. The Mohel Reb Aharon Kramer came in specially from Eretz Yisroel for the Bris which took place in the Beis Aharon Shul in Pinsk. They named their son Meir and we all daven that he will keep in tradition of his name and light up Klal Yisroel

09-February-2014 - Mazel Tov to Gila Stepenyan and Ovadya Fabi!

Mazel Tov to our student Gila Stepenyan from Gommel who is getting married tonight in Las Vegas to Ovadya Fabi. A student from Beis Aharon school in Pinsk who continued her studies in Touro College.

After their wedding she will finish her studies in New York for half a year. After graduating they will move back to Las Vegas. May they have much mazel in their lives and may they build a fine Jewish home that will be a pride to Am Yisrael.....

07-February-2014 - Peisach container is on the way!

Rabbi Yaakov Shteierman has finished the loading process and has filled the container full of Pesach and Camp products on the way to The Pinsk Jewish Religious Community.

Many thanks goes out to the Rabbi Shlomo Noach Mandel of the Canadian Foundation and Yad Yisroel for all the effort and money that went in to make it happen. Now we have to pray that we get it on time here in Pinsk...

29-January-2014 - Visit of Rabbi Dishon

We want to thank Rabbi Dishon for his visit to Pinsk. We appreciate all his strength and effort that he puts into Yad Yisroel organization and Pinsk. Rav Dishon came to Pinsk for 5 days and stayed over shabbos. Rabbi Dishon gave a shiur to men and women. Checked reading skills of our younger kids. He participated in Sium Masechet Mishnayos Brochos of our Mesivta. On motzei shabbos we made community Malve-Malka with Rabbi Dishon. This five days were packed of kedusha. We hope we dont have to wait long till Rabbi's next visit.

Please see link for pictures from Rabbi's Dishon visit.

21-January-2014- Manhattan High School

A group of 15 Manhattan High School Girl came from the USA over their winter vacation to spend their time with the girls in The Yad Yisroel program. Their love for their sisters made an everlasting impression and everyone was able to learn from the experience. This program has been going on for many years and in the past this has proven to be a start for long relationships between our girls and the girls of MHSG. They keep on coming back for summer camps and being mentors for those students who continue their studies in the USA after finishing school. The girls from MHSG taught some of the younger girls, made an intensive Kriah program as well as arranging evening program for the children adding some spice to their lives.

16-January-2014- Tu Bishvat!

Tu Bishvat is very interesting holiday in Pinsk. Pupils get together is Shul play, they prepare a whole play about Tu Bishvat.

Boys decorate tables with fruits. They have competitions of who will make the best shapes and figures from the fruits.

Its always good time when we gather the whole Pinske community together!

24-December-2013 - Winter Camp with Ezra from London!

We want to thank Ezra from London and Eli Schrayer for their help with leading winter camp in Pinsk.

Over 20 kids came from all over the Belarus to spend 5 days of their winter vacation in Pinsk.

Also Eli Shrayer took his group to Kalinkovichi to spend a day with Kalinkovichi community.

Please click on the link to see pictures from the camp and Kalinkovichi.


Remarkable progress has been made in the construction of the new Boys Campus. The outer structure is at the third floor. Target date for completion BH is August 2014. Every day boys walk proudly by the site, and look forward to the next school year.

Please see the link for the latest pictures of the construction site.

16-November-2013 - Mazal Tov to Shimon Smirnov and Dikla on their engagement!

Shimon Smirnov is an alumnus of our school in Pinsk. After graduating he attended Jewish Grammar High School in England,and continued on to University in England. Subsequently, Shimon went to Eretz Yisroel did a tour of duty in the IDF and worked. Currently, Shimon is back in Belarus and is the director of Kashrut Bel.

Mazal Tov to Shimon and Dikla! May you be zoche to build a Bayis Ne'eman B'Yisroel!

13-November-2013 - Kashrut Bel at Belarussian Expo!

Over 250 representatives from various food manufacturers in Belarus gathered at the annual exposition to explore food market of Belarus. Kashrut Bel was present as well. For 3 days representatives of Kashrut Bel were at their booth introducing themselves to the Belarus market.

Please see the link for the pictures from the exhibition

23-October-2013 - Mazal Tov to Pinchas Shayna Tsinman!

Today we celebrated bris of the son of Pinchas and Shayna Tsinman. Reb Chaim Rabinovich was the sandek, and the boy was named Shmuel Menachem Mendel.

Pinchas and Shayna live in Pinsk, and are very dedicated in the kiruv work of Yad Yisroel. They also travel to Kalnkovich to help the Yidden there. May they always have much nachas from their family!

03-October-2013 - Kosher Food in Belarus!

Kashrut Bel is the first Belarusian Kashrus agency in Belarus. Kashrut Bel has begun certifying various food products that are produced in Belarusian factories for kashrus in order to make kosher food available for Jews throughout the country that want to keep kosher.

Experts in the field of kashrus have been coming from Eretz Yisroel on a regular basis to make this happen on the highest standards. We have been working with over 10 factories so far, and more is to come to make it easier for Jews in Belarus to keep kosher.

25-September-2013 - Mishpacha Kihalacha Seminar in Pinsk!

Rabbi and Mrs Roy Neuberger and Rabbi and Mrs Levi Gdalevich were lecturers at the seminar of Mishpacha Kehalacha.

Over 100 participants came from throughout Belarus to spend a Shabboss in the Pinsk community whilst enriching their knowledge in many areas related to the Jewish family.

Pictures are coming soon.

16-September-2013 - Mazal tov to brothers Shulman!

Two brothers - Lova and Yuli Shulman from Minsk are newcomers in our school. Yuli is 10 years old and Lova is 13. After only one month in school they decided to have Bris Milah. A Mohel was brought from Eretz Yisroel, reb Boruch Shofnos and Habachur Natan Levinson were sandek, as their father stood proudly by. Lova is now Boruch Avraham, and Yuli is Yizchok Eliyohu.

10 days later on 12 Tishrei - 16th of September we celebrated Boruch Avraham’s Bar-Mitzvah in the Pinsk shul with a beautiful seudah.

Mazal Tov to the Shulman family! May Boruch Avraham and Yitzchok Eliyohu always be a source of nachas to the family and to all of Klal Yisroel!

01-September-2013 - The School Year has begun!

Every year our students look forward to the 1st of September - opening school day!It’s the day when all our kids come back to their home in Pinsk.

Many new boys and girls have joined the Beis-Aharon Schools for the coming school year.

We hope the new students will adjust quickly, and will settle into the Pinsk family easily.

We are looking forward to their success in acquiring the basic fundamentals of Yiddishkeit, and will gain much knowledge in Judaic studies knowledge as well as general education. They have much to make up for in what they've been been missing for so many years.

17-August-2013 - Its a boy!

Mazal tov to Eliezer and Esther Finski on birth of their baby boy!

Eliezer is a Pinsk alumnus, and Esther is originally from Dnepropetrovsk.They got married a year ago in Israel and live in Beitar.

The boy was named Elchonon, and the Pidyon Haben took place 12 Tishrei in Beitar.

May they have much Yiddish nachas!

20-August-2013 - Its a boy!

Mazal Tov to Avrohom and Rivka Krol upon the birth of a baby boy!

The Bris was in Pinsk and Rav Moshe Fhima was sandek. Rivka and Avrohom Krol are both Yad Yisroel Alumni of Pinsk. They now live in Kiev where Avrohom is a member of the Kollel, and gives a daily Mishna Brurah shiur.

May they have much Yiddish nachas from all their children!

16-August-2013 - Its a boy!

Mazal Tov to Pinchas and Shayna Tzinman upon the birth of a baby boy!

Shayna - an alumnus of our school in Pinsk, came back to Pinsk with her husband over 2 years ago, and have become very involved in the community.

In addition, they travel to Kalinkovich quite often to strengthen the community there with Shabbatonim and other occasions..

May they have much Yiddish nachas from all their children!

16-July-2013 - Boys Summer Camp!

As every summer, Yad Yisroel had a series of camp programs this summer as well. organizes boys camp.

Over 20 counselors came from all over the world to be involved and inspire almost 100 campers.

During the summer we have a most opportune time to give the campers a great experience in what Yiddishkeit is all about, and it is the most effective recruitment method to the schools.

For many, especially those that come from troubled backgrounds, it is a time of year where they can relax in healthy Jewish environment As a result of this year's programs many new children have joined the school.

28-June-2013 - Summer Camp!

As always Yad Yisroel makes summer camp for Belarusian kids.

Yad Yisroel camp is what make children happy and lets them relax and be in warm Jewish atmosphere.

Girls division of the camp has started!

Camp Album


10-June-2013 - Mazal Tov to our Graduates!

All our students has finished school and passed their exams. Now its time to go to Eshivas and Beis-Yaakov seminars.

We are proud of our graduates and sure that they will succeed and do well abroad just as they did in Beis-Aharon school. Wherever they will be, either in New York, Lakewood or Berlin we are sure they will always remember that their home is in Pinsk.

From our hart we want to wish them good luck and Siato Deshamayo always! May Hashem bless them and look after them wherever they will be! We know that life away from home is not easy at all…

click here to see pictures

01-May-2013 - Mazal tov to Alexander on his Bar-Mitzvah!

Today we had a very special Bar-mitzva celebration in Pinsk. Alexander is not a full-time student in our school, but he does attend Jewish Sunday school. His mother and grandmother regularly attend the weekly classes given by Rabbi and Rebbetzin Fhima. Alexander put on Tefilin for the first time, and the boys in school made him really feel part of the family. We hope BS"D that this special event will inspire Alexander to further his interest in our school and Yiddishkeit in general.

Best wishes to Alexander and his parents for many years of health, happiness, and Yiddish Nachas.


13-Aprile-2013 - Mazal Tov to Avrom Alimelech and Tali Gavrilovets on a birth of their baby boy - 3rd of Iyar 5773

Mazal tov to our dear Pinsk alumni, Avrom Alimelech and Tali Gavrilovets, now living in Beitar, on the birth of a baby boy!

The baby was named Boruch at the Bris which was in Givat Ze'ev and the Stoliner Rebbe was Sandek.

We wish them lots nachas for many healthy years to come!

03-Aprile-2013 - Pesach Report 5773

For over 13 years Pinsk has been the epicenter of Belarus to ensure that all Kosher l’Pesach products needed for any Jew in Belarus will be available for them. The logistics include 2 containers which were shipped from the USA with basic products such as matzos, grape juice, and gefilte fish. Clearing customs, a task which can sometimes take 4‐6 months, needs to be done well in advance. Closer to Pesach, basic groceries such as sugar, salt, oil, potato starch, cakes etc., were generously donated in London and delivered to our warehouses for distribution. Hand Shmura matzohs for the Sedarim were sent by plane from he US. A week before Yom Tov a truck made the roundtrip 2500 km journey from Pinsk to Moscow to bring meat for Yom Tov. click here to read full Pesach Report


03-March-2013 - Wedding of Ovadia Visotski - 21st of Adar 5773 (3rd of march 2013).

Mazal Tov to Ovadia and Sorah Dvorah Visotski. On Sunday, March 3rd, in Brooklyn, NY, the wedding of our dear alumnus Ovadia Visotski took place with Sorah Dvorah Tzisin. Beginning in Pinsk at the age of 15, Ovadia is now learning at Yeshivas Chaim-Berlin. May Hashem grant them many years of happiness together and build a Bayis Ne'eman b'Yisroel!




3-March-2013 - Yohrtzeit of Reb Elimelech of Lezhansk.

Sunday, 21st of Adar (3rd of march 2013) marked the Yohrtzeit of Rebe Elimelech of Lezhansk (Poland). Our boys school joined a group of Yidden which spent Shabbos in Przemeshel (about an hours drive from Lezhansk). The achdus of Yidden from all walks of life spending Shabbos, davening, learning, eating seudos, and singing together was an inspiration to all! After Shabbos all buses headed straight to Lezhansk to daven at the holy kever. Afterward the boys visited Karkow, Aushwitz and Lublin.



24-February-2013 - Purim 5773.

Purim in Pinsk. Purim was a special day in Pinsk, as in every Jewish community. Many friends from other cities came to celebrate this joyous Yom Tov with us in Pinsk. Two of our devoted counselors, Shoshana and Perry, came from England to be with our girls, and brought presents and special treats which created an exciting atmosphere. A major concert preformed by our Boys School in "Dom Culture" was attended bu hundreds who came to enjoy and to hear Megilas Esther read by Rav Moshe Fhima. Mishloach Manos and Matonos Loevyonim were given, and a few grand Seudos Purim were held at various locations in town. A truly memorable and inspirational Yom Tov for all!

To see Purim pictures click here


20-January-2013 - Mazel Tov to Chana Nortman and Yossi Rosenberg.

Mazel Tov to Chana Nortman and Yossi Rosenberg from Los Angeles upon their engagement. Chana is one of our long time special dedicated volunteers in Pinsk. She and her family always ready to help the school, our community, and our girls in every possible way wether in Pinsk or even after our students move on to other communities.




19-January-2013 - Mazel Tov to Yitzchok Meir Soloveichik and Dina Meyer from London

Yitzchok Meir - a student in Yeshiva Pe'er Yisroel in Pinsk - is also a personal chavrusa of Reb Moishe Fhima. "Itche" has spent over 3 years in Pinsk learning and working in the Beis-Aharon school as a devoted madrich. We are all very excited and happy for our brother and friend. We wish them mazal and bracha, and to be zoche to build a Bayis Ne'eman b'Yisroel!

27-December-2012 - Baby Girl

Mazel Tov to Pinchas Eliyohu and Yafit Martzinkevich.

On 15th of tevet our Pinske community has grown by 1 girl. Pinchas Eliyohu and Yafit had a baby girl. There was a huge kidush on shabbos in Pinsk. All families came and precipitated. The girl was named Chana Brocha. Both Pinchas and Yafit are graduates of our school. We want to wish to Chany Brocha to grow with health and brocha and to her parents to have an easy chinuch.

2-january-2013 - Winter Camp

Almost 40 boys and girls, ages of 12-16, from throughout Belarus came to Pinsk for a "winter camp" during the first week of January. They experienced our schools and way of life first hand, and at the same time had a wonderful time. A trip to Brest to visit "Belovezhskaya Pusha" (the largest museum of nature in Belarus), as well as skating and other activities in Pinsk. The counselors worked hard to create a warm inspiring environment to make them feel at home. During this short time the kids gained an understanding of our programs and left with a positive feeling towards Yiddishkeit. We hope BE"H that as a result some will join our schools.



9-December-2012 - Happy Chanukah

Chanukah was very exciting and inspiring. Our school boys preformed a beautiful concert and performance. Hundreds of men and women of all ages filled the Dom Kultura Hall came to see and enjoy. During the 8 days of Chanukah students of the Beis Aharon schools had a very packed schedule of various entertaining programs. Special thanks to our madrichim and madrichot for their dedication and hard work which made these days so special. Our devoted staff and their families had different groups of students over at their homes for meals during Chanukah, and everyne had their own menorah to light.



1-December-2012 - Bar Mitzva

Mazal Tov to Eliyohu Panasuk. Moztei Shabbos 18th of Kislev in Pinsk, we celebrated the Bar-Mitzvah of our talmid Eliyohu Panasuk from Minsk. Joining our school only 1 year ago, we have seen him make tremendous progress. Friends composed a special song for the occasion, and presented Eliyohu with a special gift. We all wish Eliyohu a life full of hatzlacha!




20-November-2012 - Mazal Tov Mazal Tov

Today the 6 Kislev - 20th of November two boys in school had Bris Milah in Pinsk. Its always an emotional celebration when boys from non-religious homes decide to do this Mitzvah!

Harav Moishe Fhima was Sandek for (Vova) now - Dovid Asher Poliyektov, age 16 from city of Vitebs and Yitzchak Meir Soleveitchik was Sandek for (Artyom) now - Ezriel Aryeh Panasuk, 16 years old, from Brest.

After the Bris there was a seuda in shul.

May Hashem grant Ezriel Aryeh and Dovid Osher the ability to continue their spiritual growth and perform many more Mitzvohs!

18-November-2012 - Mazal Tov Mazal Tov

Mazal Tov to Eliezer and Ester Ariella Finski!!!

On the 4th of Kislev (18th of November) Eliezer Finski originally from Zhodino, Belarus, and Ester Ariella originally from Dnepropetrovsk got married in Yerushalayim!!

Eliezer came to our school in Pinsk at age of 12, and at 17 went to Yeshiva Kol Yaakov in Monsey, NY. After 3 years he joined the Yeshiva in Kiev.

Ester Ariella was born in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine and when her family moved to Israel she went to Bat-Tzion in Yerushalaim.

Many friends and family participated in this exciting simcha.

May Hashem grant them many happy years together and build a Bayis Ne'eman b'Yisroel!

17-November-2012 - Mazal Tov to Bar Mitzvah Boy

Mazal Tov to Bar Mitzvah Boy!!! On motzei shabbes on 17th of november the Pinske family did not go to sleep early! We all gathered together in the shul to celebrate a Bar MIitzva of our very special pupil whose name is Alexander. Alexandr came to school only 2 month ago and everything is very new to him. Boys from the school tried very hard to make this day a very special to him. They prepared very entertaining program with many plays and funny competitions. Alexander received many presents from the school and Moishe Fhima. We all want to wish our dear Bar Mitzva boy many broches and hatzlochah in all his beginings.


10-November-2012 - Mazal tov to Mishpachat Shofnas

On 10th of November on Motzei shabbes our week started from very Good News! Our very close brother shliach and pinchanin Boruch Shofnas with his wife Chani gave a birth to a very sweet boy! The bris took place on shabbes (on 17th of november) in Erushalaim. The boy was named Arye! We want to wish a little Arye health brocha and he should grow up to be a big talmid chocham! We all are very excited for mishpachat Shofnas to come back to Pinsk and are even more excited to see our new member of community Arye Shofnas! Mazal Tov!

29-October-2012 - mazel tov to rabbi a gewirzman and kobi baroukh!

Mazel tov to Rabbi A Gewirtzman and Kobi Baroukh on the completion of Maseches Makos. R' Avi and Kobi are an inspiring pair - they come to the Beis Medrash early morning before Shacharis and learn together. Their learning gives chizuk to the rest of the community and to the boys in the school of what people can achieve.

May they go mechayil el choyil!




Today 200 people - Jews and non-Jews alike - came together to commemorate the tragic slaughter of six million Jews in Europe during WWII.

A memorial ceremony was held in Dom Kultura Hall on Lenin Square where the Deputy Mayor spoke, as well as many prominent Belarussian historical professors.

After the conference 3 buses took people to visit the mass graves in the city where many Jews were killed and buried. Rabbi Moshe Fhima and Mr.Yosef Lieberman, president of the Jewish community, spoke to mark the event.

There was a huge crowd in attendance, despite the freezing temperatures.


30-September-2012 - Sukkos in pinsk!

Sukkos is a joyous holiday around the world - but in Pinsk it has a unique atmosphere to it. In preparation for the chag the boys and girls of the Beis Aharon schools spent weeks making decorations, collecting schach, finding willow trees for arovos and other activities connected to the laws and halochos of the yom tov.

As always we were joined for Sukkos by many guests and visitors from around the world - some of our alumni, counselors from the summer camps and our school itself all joined together to make Sukkos the wonderful and inspiring festival that it was.


1-September 2012 - School year began

On the first of September the Beis Aharon schools opened their doors to welcome back our boys and girls after the summer vacation. Over the summer many ofth students had spent the majority of their vacation in the Yad Yisroel summer camps and programs - and they rejoined us for the school year after an invigorating and energy restoring break.

The student body has grown. Over the summer over 80 graduates left Belarus to return to their places of study abroad - in the USA, Israel and Ukraine. Recruitment for school was a focus of ours over the summer and the results can be seen.

Looking forward to a year of success, good health and a high class Torah education!

10-July-2012 - Mazel tov! eliezer Yisroel and Esther Ariella

Mazel tov to Eliezer Finski - a graduate of the Beis Aharon School in Pinsk - on his engagement to Esther from Orsha (northern Belarus).

Eliezer is currently learning in yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel and will continue his studies after the chasuna.

1-July-2012 - Camp yad Yisroel 2012

Welcome to Camp Yad Yisroel 2012! Camp is located in the Elektron Camp near the city of Brest-Brisk on the shores of the "Bela-Ozera" - White Lake.

Over 120 girls are in camp for the first half!

For pictures and videos click here


18-June-2012 - graduation 2012 - Hebrew Academy of Cleveland

Mazel Tov to Rephoel Mahilnitsky on his graduation from the Hebrew Academy in Cleveland. Rephoel - you made us proud!

A special thanks to Rabbi Dessler, Rabbi Fishman and Rabbi Kasnet of the HAC staff and to the Mandel and Goldman families for hosting Rephoel during his stay in Cleveland!

Click here to see pics and video!


14-June-2012 - Graduation 2012 - Machon Basia Rochel - machon beis yaakov seminaries - Beis Yaakov High

Mazel Tov to Leah Solonovitz and Rivka Dzemidovich on their graduation from Machon Basia Rochel seminary in Far Rockaway, NY and to Leah Konchitz and Nechama Chazanovihc on their graduation from Machon Beis Yaakov Seminary in Brooklyn.

And a big mazel tov to Ayelet Vainolovoich who graduted from Beis Yaakov Denver.

You should go from strength to strength!!

Click here to see pics


10-june-2012 - graduation 2012!

On the 10th of June the 9th and 11th grades of the Beis Aharon School received their School Certificates in the annual "Vipusknoi Vecher" graduation ceremony. The graduates were joined by their parents and grandparents from their hometowns across the country.

The graduates were addressed by Mr IA Karlinsky - the headmaster of the school, Rabbi Fhima and Mr YY Lieberman - the President of the Pinsk Jewish Community.

7-June-2012 - Hachnosas Sefer torah & chanukas habayis

On the 7th of June - 16th of Sivan - we were joined in Pinsk by the Karlin-Stolin Rebbe and a group of visitors from Israel, Europe and the USA who came to join us for the celebration of a new Sefer Torah and the Chanukas Habyis of the Confederatzia Shul.

The Sefer Torah was donated by R' Dovid Yochonon Shteierman of Brooklyn, NY. It was a beautiful Simcha - watching 200 yidden parade down the central streets of Pinsk while the local police force held up traffic as we walked past was a celebration of the eternal victory of good over evil - a sign that Am Yisroel Chai - the Jewish nation still lives on.

For pictures please click here

31-may-2012 upcoming visit of karlin-stolin rebbe

The Karlin-Stolin Rebbe will be coming to Pinsk on June 7th to celebrate the Chanukas Habayis and Hachnosas Sefer Torah of the Confederatzia Shul and Pinsk Boys School.

30-may-2012 "lineika" - the end of the 2012 academic yearlineika

Today was the last day of classes for the 9th and 11th grades - both of whom now have exams until the 14th of June.

The annual ceremony of "Posledni Zvanok" - ringing "the last bell" - was attended in the school by members of the Jewish community including it's President - Mr. YY Lieberman.




30-may-2012 Mazel tov to masha chaiken

A big Mazel Tov to Masha Chaiken - the madricha in the Beis Aharon Girls school on her marriage to Boruch Melamed. The Chasuna was in St. Petersberg and was attended by a group from Pinsk who made the 15 hour journey to join in the simcha.

We wish Boruch & Masha all the best - they should be zoiche to build together a bayis ne'eman b'yisrael - a binyan adei ad.

27-may-2012 shevuos in Pinsk

Of all the yomim tovim throughout the year - Shevuos is one of the most inspiring and special. We sat together in the Central Shul in Pinsk on Shevuos night along with over fifty local yidden including 30 teenage boys learning the Torah which we received over three thousand years ago by Har Sinai. The holiness was tangible - it was an experience not to be missed.

On the other side of town - 25 girls were gathered by the Fhima house - listening to a Shiur from Rebetzin Fhima and completing together the Sefer Tehilim. These girls are coming from homes totally unafiliated with any form of Judaism.

For the people of Belarus it is especially meaningful to see a younger generation joining in the celebration of Kabolas Hatorah and defining themselves as a part of Am Yisroel. In spite of the efforts of the fascists and communists - the Jewish nation is still alive and strong! Am yisroel chai!

10-May-2012 Lag b'omer in Pinsk

WOW! Lag B'Omer in Pinsk is always a festival to remember and this year no less than any other.

All the children in Pinsk enjoyed the day off from school while taking part in activities and programs to do with the chag.

The schools went on a trip to the "preroda" - the forests surrounding Pinsk and enjoyed a BBQ and kumzitz. During the evening of Lag B'Omer we danced around the fire remember the tzadik R' Shimon Bar Yochai and all that he did for Klal Yisroel.



01-May-2012 Clothing sale in beis aharon girls school

This weekend we ran a clothing sale for the children in the Beis Aharon Orphanage.

For the children in our orphanage - new clothing is a rare luxury. The vast majority come from backgrounds where there is barely enough money to pay for basic food supplies - and definitely not a new dress or suit!

The clothing was donated by the Jewish communities of Italy - many thanks to Mrs Mila Nortman for all her hard work!

The effort you put in was worth every minute!