Changing the face of Belarusian Jewry
Our graduates have been given a chancetheir future is in our hands

Graduates of Yad Yisroel

Our graduates

Over the years hundreds of children have graduated from the Beis Aharon school. Yad Yisroel gives these children the opportunity to study in Yeshivos, Colleges, Seminaries and Schools around the world - primarily in Israel, the USA and Canada.

Graduates in Israel & around the world

Approximately half of our graduates join programs and institutions in Israel.

These programs include Machon Meir, Machon Chayil, Bet Ulpana, Bat Zion and Toldot Yeshurun.


Graduates in the USA

Touro College for Girls - in September 2009 we set up a program in conjunction with Touro College in Flatbush NY. The program was set up with the help and guidance of Rabbi Doniel Lander and Dr. Alan Kadish - both of whom have maintained a continued interest in the program and it's progress.

Girls who have graduated from the Beis Aharon school join the Lander College of Arts and Sciences in Flatbush where they study to receive a BA. Parallel - the girls attend seminaries in the NY area including Machon Beis Yaakov, Ohr Naava and Machon Basya Rochel.The girls board by families in Brooklyn - where the Jewish community has welcomed them with open arms. In September 2012 we willhave 18 girls in our Touro program.

Tal Torah/Landers College for Boys - Graduates of the Beis Aharon boys school can join the Tal Torah yeshiva in Lakewood, NJ. Tal Torah was established over 15 years ago by Rabbi Yosef Amsel - who has over twenty years of experience in chinuch and kiruv. After four years in the program the bochurim receive a BA in Talmudical Studies and they can then continue their education in other institutions.

Parallel with the Tal Torah program we have opened a program in conjunction with Lander College in Queens, NY where students have the opportunity to study for their BA in a variety of subjects.

High School in the USA - A number of extremely successful students leave Beis Aharon after 9th grade andgraduate High School in high schools in North America. Currently we have girls attending Beis Yaakov of Denver and Beis Yaakov of Montreal and boys in the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland. These students have the unique opportunity of being able to "assimilate" into the Jewish communities and schools where they are living.

The success of our graduates can be seen for itself. As the girls and boys who left Pinsk grow into young men and women - each succesful in their own right and each with a strong connection to Judaism and the Jewish community - it is a nachas to see.