Changing the face of Belarusian Jewry

Pinsk Personalities

Rabbi Shmuel Dishon - Menahel

Rabbi Dishon is a world renowned educator and Rabbinic personality from Brooklyn, NY.

Rabbi Dishon was entrusted by the Rebbe of Karlin Stolin with the task of establishing Yad Yisroel and building it into the international organization which it is today.

Rabbi Dishon is the Mashgiach Ruchni of Yeshiva Karlin Stolin in Brooklyn and the Menahel Ruchni of the Beis Yaakov Seminary in New York.


Rabbi Yaakov Shteierman - Director

Rabbi Shteierman is the Director of Yad Yisroel's New York office and responsible for the day-to-day running of Yad Yisroel.

Drawing on his years of experience in the fields of education and Kiruv, Rabbi Shteierman oversees all aspects of Yad Yisroel's work.


Rabbi Yochonon Berman - Rabbi

Rabbi Yochonon Berman came to Pinsk in the early 1990's to establish the Jewish Community.

Rabbi Berman lives in Brooklyn, NY but in his role as the Rabbi of the "Pinsk Jewish Religious Community" he returns to Pinks on a regular basis for yomim tovim and other occasions.


Rabbi Moshe Fhima - Local project director

Rabbi Fhima has been working in the former Soviet Union for close to twenty years.

Rabbi Fhima began his career in Kiev, Ukraine working in Yad Yisroel's boarding school and in 2000 he moved to Pinsk to open the Beis Aharon Schools & Orphanages.

Rabbi & Mrs Fhima live in Pinsk with their seven children.

Rabbi Yossi Goldblatt - assistant Director & administrator

Rabbi Goldblatt joined the staff in Pinsk in 2006 and is responsible for many of the programs run by Yad Yisroel including the graduate programs around the world and recruitment in Belarus.



Rabbi Avraham Gewirtsman - Menahel of beis aharon boys school & orphanage

Rabbi Gewirtsman has been working in Pinsk since 2007.

Rabbi Gewirtsman is responsible for the education and programs in the Beis Aharon Boys School and for the Mishpacha Kehalacha organization which he founded in 2009.