Changing the face of Belarusian Jewry
Yad Yisroel - a helping handanything, anytime, anywhere

Community Services

Jewish Community needs

Yad Yisroel provides all the needs of the wider Belorussian Jewish Community including Kosher food distribution, Chevra Kadisha and a Kosher Mikva. Yad Yisroel is point of contact not just for Pinsk but for Jews from all over Belarus.

Emergency Medical Services

Yad Yisroel does it's utmost to help every Jew. We are turned to on a regular basis by Jews from around Belarus with a variety of sicknesses. Many are able to be treated locally and we help with payment for treatment and care.

A number of serious cases necessitate evacuating the patient to hospitals in Europe of Israel. Over the past year we have helped send three seriously ill patients get to Israel to be treated in the state-of-the-art medical facilities there.

Printing press

Over the years we have published a number of publication in English, Hebrew and Russian inlcuding siddurim, textbooks and other seforim. These publications are made available to all the communities of Belarus at a discounted rate.